Friday, January 15, 2010

Week 1 - Introduction to the Internet (Part II)

Okay... after I posted my last entry, I was re-reading it for spelling errors when a particular line struck me:

"Though I know that’s completely redundant, considering the abundance of space on the Internet."

That got me thinking.. where does all our space come from!?! 0_0 So I did a 'lil research, and here is our answer:


I have zero knowledge about them, but here's what I managed to gather (in a nutshell):

1. Inside the cable, there are strands of optically pure glass as thin as human hair.

2. Digital information is stored in light, that travels through these fibers.

3. As light travels in a straight line, the cladding is lined with mirrors so light can reflect off.

4. Due to impurities in the glass, some light signals become weak along the way.

5. An Optical Regenerator strengthens the weak signals to restore their integrity.

6. At the end, an Optical Receiver takes the incoming light signals and translates them into the information.

7. Through this, information can travel great distances.

8. The great number of fiber optic cables enables the Internet to have an abundance of space.

9. In fact, space is so abundant that much of the fiber optic cables in the world are "dark", ie unused!

10. Conclusion: I wasted time recycling this blog when I could've just started a new one! =_="

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